Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Stuck on you...

After years of physical therapy for chronic back, neck, shoulder, and hip issues - I've decided to seek out alternative treatment for being what the folks at Elite Sports Medicine call 'the tightest man alive.' It's true, I've been the center of attention for many things, including how unbelievably non-flexible and tight my hamstrings are. In fact, they are now called 'hamcords'

I have had success with therapy, mostly due to the amazing therapists I've had through the years. Hell, I even named one of my dogs after one. But, the amount of work I need to do on my end is too overwhelming, and I'm looking at a life with unbalanced back muscles. It's okay, I'm not complaining.

So, with my recent flair-up and an outstanding therapy balance (even with insurance), I decided to experiment with acupuncture.

Today was my first visit, and yep - they stick needles into you. I laughed about how frightening it would be for little Brad to ever think that he (me), would have his body riddled with needles. However, if little Brad would/could have endured, he would have about 30 new Hot Wheels to add to his collection, maybe a few GIJOE's - just depends on the year.

Anyway, I have to say that I'm not sold yet, but I do feel better. My back feels less inflamed, and I feel more relaxed, less stressed and stuff. So, I'm going to go back for a few more visits before I make a final assessment.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Matt said...

You had a physical therapist named Laylaballs?