Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sutherland will return to 24, but not Kiefer.

Fox executives released a statement yesterday, putting a lot of speculation to rest. 24 will indeed be returning for a 9th season, and yes, so will Jack Bauer.

However, there's a twist.

In a bold move by Fox executives, they've decided not to renew Kiefer's contract, but instead, recast the role of Jack Bauer. Who will they bring in to fill those shoes? None other than Kiefer's real life dad, Donald Sutherland.

For a while now, Fox and 24 producer Howard Gordon have looked at ways to extend the life of the show - their answer? Extend the life of it's main protagonist, Jack Bauer.

As one Fox executive states, 'We've seen Jack face a lot of threats, from terrorists, nuclear attacks, and death, (you know he did die once) but now, Jack will face a new and more terrifying threat, old age'.

The producers of the show want to bring the reality of old age to the program, and address some of the real life issues the old folks deal with. For example, frequent urination, poor eyesight, hearing loss, erectile dysfunction, and slight dementia will all be factors as this new day unfolds. One writer joked, 'Hell, he'll probably sleep at least 12 or 13 of those hours'.

One of the main challenges for producers is how exactly they want to portray the future 20 years from now. 'We're really torn on flying cars right now' says, Gordon.

So, when the new day begins, will we find Jack in assisted living? 'We haven't ruled that out' says one Fox executive. However, there's already talk that we'll find him within Washington DC, still serving his country as either President or Secretary of Defense. Or perhaps, we'll find Jack trying to rescue his granddaughter, Terri, from a fraternity party.

For now, we'll just have to wait. However, it's clear that the familiar line, 'I don't have much time' holds even more weight now. He literally want have much time, because he's old.

When asked about taking over the role of Jack Bauer, Donald Sutherland just smiled and said 'Jack Bauer's mom asked him who he loved more, her or his country. To this Jack chuckled and responded, "You know that answer" as he snapped her neck. Jack Bauer hates dumb people.'

1 comment:

Matt said...

You had me going for a second there.