Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mulletitus and the search for Pat McGroyne...

Ah, you thought I'd gone away for good, right? That would be a big hells to the no. Instead I spent what should have been a stress free batch week, drinking from the fountain of anxiety. Oh yeah, and I capped it all off with a sleep over at Vanderbilt while they tried to get me to stop pooping and puking. I'll be honest, I need a whole new fleet of undies.

So no movie of the week, no funny vid, no 24 talk - just the GC archives. By the way, the Charlie Daniels post has by far been my best seller. It brings folks together from across the globe.

Nothing to really talk about, so I'll just bring you up to speed on a few things happening around the cockroach. Sometimes I like my job, and other times I want to hop on a spaceship and enter hyper sleep for about 70 years. Wake up, look around, eat an egg sandwich, then I'd watch Heat, Big Trouble In Little China, and Goonies, then go back to sleep, hyper sleep.

For a quick reminder, I work in the music industry. It's an industry that can repulse me as quickly as it can invigorate me. Imagine running around and got shot at constantly, but you can't see where any of the shots are coming from. So, you start shooting, and you shoot and they shoot and nobody is sure what they're shooting at. Then you realize you've hit something, but you're not sure what it is. This makes no sense, you see. That's the point.

I feel better now.

So, I've been trying to get my house painted for several months now. I tried to get an equity loan, but I couldn't. So, I tried a few more times, and couldn't. I then decided to refinance, and I couldn't. Then I tried again. Success! Or, so I thought. One day before I was supposed to close on the new loan, it fell through. Okay, well technically it didn't fall through - they would give me the loan on one condition. Wait for it... if I painted the house. That's right mo foe's. It didn't meet HUD qualifications. The government had successfully protected me from myself. (The story you just read took place over two months)

On a positive note, I've found my birthday present. Check it out.

If you want to get me something for my birthday, try Johnnie Walker Black. Or, a gift certificate to Frugal MacDougal will work fine.

Finally, here is a text conversation I had today.

Person X: Who is ****** agent?
Me: Pat McGroyne
(several minutes pass by)
Person X: Good thing I showed that to *** ******* you fuck
Me: hahahahahahahahaha

Love ya'll

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