Tuesday, December 22, 2009

You Never Forget Your First - A Tribute to G-Spot, my first intern.

This is dedicated to Gabe Simon (G-Spot), my first intern. Gabe was a hard worker, at being a slacker. Like most 20 year olds, he thought he knew everything. However, he knew just enough to be dangerous, and I'm thankful he did not sink our small, growing business.

This a collection of photos, stories, and quotes from our time together.

Hi, I'm Gabe - I wear girls jeans. They make room for my extra large vagina.

Quotes from Brad to Gabe:
  • You are the reason I don't want to have kids, I look at you and think, damn, they're cute at first, but they grow into this (pointing at him).
  • I drink b/c of you
  • When you get here, knock 3 and 1/2 times, then say - 'I got yo doughnuts'.
  • I get so mad when I see you that it makes me spit up blood.
  • (when asked if I was coming to see his band) If I wanted to see a 7 piece band, I'd watch Muppet Show re-runs.
(Gabe checking in when I had swine flu)
Gabe: Are you feeling better?
Brad: Yes, kind sir. I know you wish me dead
Gabe: I sent that like three days ago
Brad: What the f**k does that have to do with anything? I may have lost control of my bowels, but I can still read dates and times.

(regarding an assignment that Gabe waited to the last minute to do.)
Brad: Do you still need me to answer those questions?
Gabe: No, the assignment was due already.
Brad: Well, why didn't you ask me all the questions the other night?
Gabe: Dude, you sounded like you didn't want to talk to me, like you weren't interested and wanted to get off the phone with me.
Brad: I did, I was trying to watch Dexter man. You did wait to the last minute, you know.

There are many more stories that I'd like to tell, but they're better told in person. I will leave you with a few more pics.

This is a post I ran on Facebook -

Beware of this guy. He claims to be my intern, but the truth is I found him in my yard one day trying to mow the grass with a broom. He introduces himself as Gabe, however he only responds to 'Spudnuts' or'Ricky Roo'. He also wears girls jeans and goes to yard sales looking for 'My Little Pony's' in an attempt to finish his collection. If you see him, it's best to pretend that you're on the phone. If not, he will follow you and ask lots of questions.

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