Monday, October 26, 2009

The Return of DJ Bizzy Bee

Although I have never played the popular game 'Guitar Hero', I will sure as hell be playing it's spin off (pun intended), DJ Hero.

Because I've spent half my life playing a stringed instrument, the thought of doing it on a video game never seemed appealing. I have no doubt it's fun as hell, however, I'd rather do stuff that I can't do in real life; like play football, wield a lightsaber, catch ghosts, or be Batman. Wait, I am Batman.

When I first saw the commercial for DJ Hero I jumped off of the couch. I was flooded by memories of trying to scratch records on my mom's stereo with some broken down Radio Shack mixer that my creepy uncle gave me. It was 1988, and sounds of old school rap excited me and still do to this day. That were so many great DJ's back then, including my favorite, DJ Jazzy Jeff. Now, some people associate the Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff with cheeseballs, and while their approach was fun and lighthearted, Jeff's is arguebly the best and most innovative DJ to date.

Don't believe me? Check out this video. Especially at 2:50 and 5:00.

Sadly, most folks just remember Jeff has the guy who always got thrown out the Bank's mansion in Bel-Air.

Growing up in small town North Carolina, mastering the wheels of steel wasn't as easy as getting piano lessons. I had to jimmy rig the home stereo and ruin a few needles before I realized that my talent would never grow if I didn't have a mentor.

So, with regret, I walked away.

Tomorrow is a new day, it's the return on DJ Bizzy Bee. That's right, it's on.

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