Monday, January 11, 2010

Leave the right one alone...

I just finished reading a blog about the year's upcoming sequels and remakes. While sequels such as Wall Street 2, Iron Man 2, and Harry Potter all look great, certain remakes are questionable.

Clash Of The Titans seems reasonable - new technology, and what not. Same with The Wolfman. Jackie Earle Hailey's perfect casting of Freddie Kruger (A Nightmare On Elm Street) should be midly interesting, but I don't see any need for a remake. Remember Halloween?

I will say, a Ridley Scott/Russell Crowe Robin Hood sounds pretty badass, even though I doubt Bryan Adams and Kevin Costner would approve. Oh, and yes, I will see The A-Team.

In general however, this unoriginal Hollywood road to the big screen does leave a bad taste in my mouth. There are two remakes this year in particular that leave me especially frustrated.

First on the list, has to be The Karate Kid. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, that can be done to capture the magic of the original. Hell, that movie made my dad cry.

Let's be honest, Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita are excellent, and Johnny and the Cobra Kai are some of the best movie villains ever. Elisabeth Shoe is looking oh so cute, and the car, the station wagon - I still drive down hills and pop the clutch just because of that movie.

So how do the studios plan to top this? Jackie Chan and the son of the Fresh Prince. (Sigh) I think youtube user: demonhunter02 sums it up best - the "remake" looks like shit compared to the original.

Then there's the not so well known, not so old, remake of Let The Right One In, called (drum roll) Let Me In. Released in 2008, this Swedish adaptation of the book by the same name isn't even two years old. As soon as the first critical success came in from film festivals, the rights for the English language version was secured.

They do make subtitles - I know, I've seen it and I don't speak Swedish. I'm all for an Americanized remake of a foreign film, if they can add something to it. Oh yeah, if it's not just over a year old.

I'd suggest checking out the Swedish version before heading to the theaters for a remake. In my opinion, Sweden plays a big part in this movie.

Just a note, the less you know about it the better. This trailer doesn't really give anything away. Also, I didn't like this movie until a few days after watching it.

Can't you just see the Swedish, remaking Rambo. No offense, Sweden.

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