Wednesday, December 6, 2006

I ate breakfast 300 yards from Cubans that are trained to kill me...

Just wanted to give everyone an run-down of my recent trip to Cuba with Carly Goodwin. As many of you already know I am accident prone, and the announcement that I would be heading to GTMO was cause for a Code Red... sorry couldn't resist. I did make it back alive. Here is a short version of my trip.

Day 1: Our plane is delayed to Jacksonville for 2hrs. So off to the bar for beer and BBQ and bonding. This lead me to the bathroom were I got to see the Van Zandt brothers. Once on the plane I got in two good epidodes of Wings. So far, so good.

Day 2: Really just an extention of Day 1, as we did not really sleep. Caught our plane at the local Navy base bound for GTMO. As we walked on the runway to our plane, we walked by fighter planes which was cool and I resisted the urge to say I feel the need, the need for speed. Landed successfully in Cuba after performing an aerial manuver known only as the GTMO twist, I call it the snickers bar... personal reasons. After we deplaned we ***CLASSIFIED******CLASSIFIED******CLASSIFIED******CLASSIFIED***
, after which we got some much needed rest. Oh yeah, had my first Red Bull.

Day 3: Went sailing... shat my pants. Went Go-Karting... kicked ass. Pulled a hammy.

Day 4: Went to Starbucks and surfed the 3 webpages they let me have access to. After that we went on a tour of the ***CLASSIFIED******CLASSIFIED******CLASSIFIED******CLASSIFIED***
After that, we celebrated by finishing off the remaining bottles of Red Stripe and holding hands.

Day 5: Pressed the flesh, and caught the ***CLASSIFIED*** only to find out that ***CLASSIFIED******CLASSIFIED******CLASSIFIED******CLASSIFIED***
When we arrived in Jacksonville Mr Magoo had the van ready. When we finally got to our gate, the Van Zandt brothers were waiting and we all lived happily ever after.


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